I met up with a couple of friends earlier. We tried out the new Bizu in town center. (Sorry, just had to say that given the amount we had to pay!) So anyway, it was a long time since we all got together and we started talking about how we all were. Things were going well for all of us, apart from little bumps in our roads everything was peachy. It was Joyce’s birthday by the way. Happy birthday!!! We talked about this wonderful blog called 4 rooms, and I suddenly realized it was my blog! (hehehe) but I wanted them to read this one, especially this one because as girls, this topic hits closer to home. Well, at least with my friends that is.
In my previous blog, I talked about the blessing of strangers that pass by in your life. As I’ve mentioned, not all are pleasant ones. Although a few are considered to be blessings, some are considered to be a pain in the ass. They are those that pop out like mushrooms morning after a lightning storm—you don’t know where they came from or what the hell they’re doing there. They’re annoying, irritating, and worse of all they bother your man. For those unlucky one’s like me, whose “man” gave into these types of strangers, I know how much it sucks. But cheer up, if they were like that with us, they’re probably like that with them too. Trust me on this one ;) Dogs will be dogs. But for those still in a relationship, which has symptoms of a soon-to-be-ruined-relationship due to thirdies wheelus, there’s still hope. After all, it is still a matter of choice.
I have heard of those girls that though intentions are really sweet as “friends” to your man, they start giving you diabetes. Where do you draw the line between being friendly and courting someone else’s guy? Where do you get off? Some people would call it just making lambing. But others get too comfortable. Maybe it’s the way they were brought up? Crap, that’s not even a good excuse. Why don’t they just look for some other guy to bug like those single men out there? I guess these girls are just attracted to the idea that they see these kinds of situation as a challenge thinking to themselves what if I make a move on this guy? Would I get him or not? And I win if I get him. It makes life more interesting doesn’t it? Yes. It makes you a better person? Definitely not. Mind your own business. Fool around with someone else. There are those third parties that I don’t have a problem with. Those that have no idea what’s happening in your relationship, and all they know is that you guys broke up and that’s it. But those that know you guys are happy in your relationship but still insist on squeezing herself in… Gloves off, let’s take it outside. Yes. I’m pissed. I went through it with the last guy, my friend is just realizing what just happened to her and her ex, and new ones.. blah blah blah. Different generations, all going through the same thing. Strangers creep up whenever they like. You either choose to ignore it or accept it. At the end of the day, (I’m repeating myself here) it’s still a matter of choice: to either accept it as a gift, or throw it out like the trash they are.